United Nations Sustainable Gastronomy Day

Hej host, hotelier, restaurateur, festival operator, event planner!
We have been out there talking to your guests.
The result? They need you.
They need you to provide them an unforgettable service, to create an experience, to cook great food.
And they want you to make sustainable choices easy.
Come on, take a chance, become an ecoistic pioneer!
Show your neighborhood that you care.
Show your guests, employees and the world!
Become a forward-thinking powerhouse.
A source of inspiration.
Replace products that ain’t good with ones that truly are.
Make sustainable choices easy.


On the occasion of the United Nations Sustainable Gastronomy Day we decided to couple up with creatives of the design uni HYPER ISLAND to create an awareness campaign. These clips, pointing out unnecessary plastic waste, are the result. Got an eco-dilemma yourself? Get in touch!




Your choice

And now? You got a choice. Check out our marketplace with well-curated sustainable products and service providers. All went through a tough selection process and sustainability criteria catalogue. Or contact us to talk more about this.


Thank you's

A big thank you goes to HYPER ISLAND for making this project possible. And of course to Rosalinn, Li, Liv and Gaon from Studio Ripple for their creativity, smartness and the beautiful content.